Controlling Mold & Sapstain in Logs & Lumber 2014
Controlling Mold & Sapstain in Logs & Lumber
April 15th, 2014
Oregon State University, Richardson Hall Room 107
Corvallis, OR
About the Workshop
This course brought together professionals who harvest, transport and process western softwoods to learn more about sapstain and to discuss how we can work together to minimize mold/stain issues in the marketplace. The workshop was a follow-up to a similar session held March 10th, 2011.
Jeff Morrell Oregon State University department of Wood Science & Engineering; Paul Merrick; David Stallcop, Vanport International; Ron Clawson, Kop-Coat Inc.; Michael Pompeo, Osmose Inc.; Konrad Tittler, Diacon, and Tom Baldauff, Arch Wood Protection.
9:00 am Welcome. Scott Leavengood, Director Oregon Wood Innovation Center
9:15 am Staining and discoloration in mills, where it occurs and how it can be prevented, Jeff Morrell, Oregon State University
10:00 am Global expectations for stain free products, David Stallcop, Vanport International
10:30 am Domestic expectations for lumber quality, Paul Merrick
11:00 am What’s coming up in stain prevention?
- Kop-Coat Inc. - Ron Clawson
- Osmose Wood Protection - Michael Pompeo
- Mycostat, Diacon - Konrad Tittler
- Arch Wood Protection - Tom Baldauff
12:00 am Adjourn