Wood Drying
Wood Drying/ Seasoning
- The Equilibrium Moisture Content of Wood in Exterior Locations in the United States - NC State University
- Wood Shrink/Swell estimator - A web-based program to estimate shrink/ swell in wood. Can also be used on any mobile device!
- Excel Program for Modeling Lumber Dry Kiln Operations - a model for lumber dry kiln operation. The kiln configuration and a drying schedule can be input and the code in the Excel file will simulate drying lumber to the specified MC or for the specified time.
- Drying Wood
- Dry Kiln Schedules for Commercial Woods: Temperate and Tropical
- USDA Dry Kiln Operator's Manual
- Air Drying of Lumber (US Forest Products Lab)
- Air- and Shed-Drying Lumber (OSU Extension Service)
- Drying Hardwood Lumber (US Forest Products Lab)
- Use of PEG (polyethylene glycol) to stabilize wood
- Solar Kiln Information
- OSU Mobile Demonstration Solar Kiln
- Solar Kiln Plans
- Virginia Tech Solar Kiln home page
- Plans for a 750 Board Foot Solar Kiln, Publication by Scott Bowe and Stefan Bergmann, University of Wisconsin Extension.
- Solar Drying Basics, West Virginia University Extension Service
- OSU Mobile Demonstration Solar Kiln
- Dehumidification Kiln Information